Sunday, November 19, 2006

Moses, only Moses

Moses, only Moses--but of course, it isn't Moses. That simulacra of a beard--soft, mid-western yarn--an imitation--and just look at the hands, they're young, too. Where do these things come from? I'm tempted to say, "Don't ask," except that EVERYTHING has already been posted (in the existential sense)--this from someone's political campaign ad, can't recall precisely which one, came up on google--maybe the numbers will tell. Turns out to be in opposition to a minimum wage ammendment to the Colorado State Constitution... This can't be the Moses I know, son-in-law of Jethro, champion of social justice, defender of the people... And yet, and yet, all images up for grabs... There's a u-tube video as well, hilarious-- fake and funny at the same time. "In the mountains of Colorado..."

Charlie Feathers, where are you now?

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